Hello and welcome to Leathermen Scotland.
Whether you’re a person of Leather in Scotland or someone curious about fetish from further afield, we are glad that you have found us and hope that this site provides you with valuable information.
Find out who we are and what we do by clicking through the links above, follow us on social media and join our Facebook group.
Founded in 2019 and officially constituted in 2020, Leathermen Scotland is an open and diverse club which aims to celebrate and encourage the wearing and appreciation of Leather and fetish gear while also promoting the Leather community in Scotland.
We provide a social space for both established and new people of Leather, and accept members regardless of gender, identity, race, ability, or location.
Halò is fàilte gu buidheann Daoine Leathar na h-Alba.
Mas e neach-mholaidh leathair à Alba no neach aig a bheil feòrachas mun feitiseachas à dùthchannan èile a th’ annad, tha sinn glè thoilichte gun do ràinig thu an-seo air an làraich-lìn againn is tha sinn an dòchas gum bi am fiosrachadh seo feumail air do shon.
’S urrainn dhut lorg a-mach cò tha sinn is dè tha dol san bhuidheann againn ma chuireas tu cliog air na ceanglaichean a leanas, no mar choimheadas tu air duilleagan mheadhanan nam meadhanan sòisealta againn, no mar ghabhas tu sa bhuidheann Facebook againn.